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dc.contributor.authorCamuñas Sánchez-Paulete, Nuria
dc.contributor.authorLópez Cobeñas, Elena Teresa
dc.contributor.authorLlopis, C.
dc.contributor.authorAlcaide Risoto, Margarita
dc.description.abstractAccording to the 2010 Horizon Report, the technology market has more than four million subscribers around the world, whose latest evolution, and perhaps most impressive has been the emergence Smartphones. The union of these two factors have created what we call mobile Internet technology and it has created a shift towards new forms of communication and access to information and knowledge. These mobile devices have a number of features that makes it an ideal tool to complete the training because it allows digitally manipulate the elements of the screen and thus improve experimentation and learning. This fact is corroborated by the increasing use of mobile internet on the global market. In the specific case of Spain, users prefer mobile device to access the network. Therefore our University has continued the process of educational innovation in which it’s currently engaged and it has incorporated m-learning to their training projects, which require a great change in methodology and pedagogical
dc.publisherEDULEARN12 Proceedingses
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleM-Learning Experience For Initial Teacher Training In Early Childhood Education Degreees
dc.identifier.conferenceObject4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologieses
dc.subject.areaCiencias de la Educaciónes
dc.subject.unesco58 Pedagogíaes

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